Testicular Lump Service
This is a SELF-REFERRAL service for:
-Male patients aged 18-50 years of age
–WITH a painless, testicular lump.
You can self-refer by calling the Rapid Investigation Service (RIS) on 0300 123 1385 (Monday to Friday 9am-4pm but a voicemail service is available outside of these hours). This is currently only a telephone self-referral service.
You must watch the video by clicking on this link to complete a self-examination of the testicles before calling.
Patients should receive an appointment within 2 weeks for an Ultrasound Scan and have an appointment the same day with a specialist. The hospital radiology team will inform the patient of this appointment via text, email, or letter.
PLEASE do NOT use this service if:
-You have been seen within the last 12 months by a hospital clinician for the same testicular concern
-You have pain in the testicle(s)
-You are a temporary residents/students or you are planning to move within 28-days of your self-referral.