Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC)

The nearest Urgent Treatment Centre is Royal South Hants Hospital, Level B, Brintons Terrace, Southampton, SO14 0YG.

The service is FREE to NHS patients, open to ALL adults and children and does not require an appointment.

They are open:

Monday to Friday: 07:30-22:00

Saturday, Sunday and Bank holidays: 08:00-22:00

X-ray opening hours: 10:00-20:00

They can see and treat:

-Recent injuries

-Sprains and strains

-Non-covid related illnesses

-Wound infections

-Broken bones to any part of the arms, lower legs and feet

-Dress minor wounds, cuts and grazes

-Stitches and close wounds

-MInor head injuries

-Minor eye injuries

If you would like to find out more then please click on this link.